
In the very near future you will see posts here related to the secrets I have learned to create a more fulfilling life.  After a life long struggle to find peace and joy, I finally figured it out.  Now, I can honestly say, there is meaning to my life and I want to share the same with you.  I will break things down in a simple, easy to digest way, while offering tricks and tools to implementing new strategies that are sustainable and effective.  My goal is to take what I have learned, the hard way, and share it with you in a way that will prevent you from having to do the same.  There was a time when I was searching…searching for answers, searching for guidance and most of all searching for peace.  Through it all, I have come to the simple conclusion that the meaning to life is creativity and purpose.  You will hear people say “all that you need is inside of you”, and I now know this to be true, but what does that really mean?  How do I put that to work in my life?  The intent of this blog is to further expound on creativity and purpose, which is your value, how it can bring meaning to your life and to assist you in defining what this specifically what that means to you.

The first goal is your creativity.  Now some of you might say “I am not creative” and to that I would reply, YES, you are…We all are.  While you may not be able to draw, paint or sculpt, these are not the only methods of creativity.  Creativity has traditionally been confined by the ways we see “artists” create, but there is more, a whole lot more to it than that.  The question is not, “am I creative” but “what are my natural mediums for creating”?  Each choice we make and thought we have creates something.  Having a child, fostering a friendship and building a career are a few examples.  Ask yourself, what do I love to do, what really gets me excited?  There is your first clue as to what you are intended to create.  The answers rarely come the first time we ask the question, but with each response we come closer to finding fulfillment.

The second part of the goal here is finding your purpose.  One of the many things we all have in common is the desire to add value and to be considered valuable.  Contrary to popular belief, we can all add value and we are all valuable.  Our value and purpose are found in our natural talents and abilities.  The first step is to define what they are and the next is to identify how they are best applied.

One thing to note is that the posts here are intended to be a progression that builds on the previous post.  If you are new here, it is best to start from the beginning.

I am here to help.  Let’s go on a journey together…

Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away!” Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!